Finding inspiration in the little beauties of the everyday. 

Hello and welcome to Sweet Oak Gallery!

My name is Lauren Chaptman and I am the founder, maker, marketer, and designer behind Sweet Oak Gallery.  I am a homeschooling mother of five, and find (very small amounts of) time to make art in the quiet hours of the day, often before the children are awake in the morning, when the littlest ones are napping, or when everyone has gone to bed at night.  

I have always been interested in art, and started seriously pursuing painting and drawing in high school.  I spent as much time as I could manage in the art studios, and went on to study Visual Art Education with an emphasis in painting.  After graduating I went on to volunteer at Camp for a few years, which providentially lead to my marriage. When we started our family, art naturally became a light hobby.  I did find time here and there to make some commissioned pieces and personal work, and I decided to start Sweet Oak Gallery after our third child was born in response to requests to share my work more widely.  

When my hands were busy and I brought my kids' toy abacus to the kitchen (there are ten beads per row!),  I was inspired to start making "Kitchen Rosaries" in the summer of 2016. The business grew and I really enjoyed the work I was doing, but when the twins were born early in 2019, it was clear that I needed to take a step back and take some time off. 

In the spring of 2020, when the twins were a little over a year, I was asked to join a book study of the Artist's Way by Julia Cameron.  What a gift this group turned out to be!  The book allowed me to explore where my inspiration comes from, and I was able to delve deeper in to prayer in regards to my work.  I have no doubt that this group lead to me being open to the Holy Spirit's inspiration to make the Holy Family Hearts sees in the fall of 2020, and these fellow faithful artists continue to be a gift to me in friendship and inspiration.  

I am grateful for the support of all of my family and friends, and for all of you who support the work that I do both at home and in the studio! Thank you for finding your way here, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

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